About Us

Autists For Change is a grassroots organization started by Sam Henderson. We use the internet and social media to help share and promote autistic voices. We help promote the voices of autists in the system, to advocate for improvements to the system. We also try to spread awareness and educate people on autism, so that autism can be better understood and accepted. If you are interested in our mission, or want to join us, please contact us.

Our Mission

At Autists For Change, we are dedicated to changing the special education systems in place, for the betterment of autists’, as well as everyone else. We are trying to get teens and young adults’ voices heard, in a way that is meaningful and can cause change. We mainly use social media to help spread our voices, and to help educate people on what happens in special education. We stand together to fight for change in the systems that we have to go through. We need to change the standardized treatment, because each person on the spectrum is different, we need to change the abuse that happens in some therapies, and we need to change how we get educated sometimes. Some of us learn very differently, and those differences need to be accommodated.

Together, change is inevitable!

Mission Statement

Autists For Change is dedicated to improving the special education system, through the advocacy of autistic voices.

Vision Statement

We envision a world where autists are heard, supported, and accepted in the school system.